With the proper planning or site considerations PVC liners can be installed in cold temperatures. Once in service PVC liners maintain their properties well below freezing, however, during installation the liner and sometimes the area to be lined need to be maintained at higher temperatures.
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So what is the true cost of your tank liner? Sure there is the initial cost of the liner itself but what about the cost of your liner over its service life?
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Although we ship tank liners all over the world, at this time of year, the majority of our liners go to areas that are experiencing colder climes. With that comes an increase in concern about cold cracking of a PVC liner. Fortunately it is a rare phenomenon and with some proper care can be avoided.
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As everyone should know by now, flexible PVC liners are a great answer for corrosion resistance needs in secondary containment areas. PVC liners are quicker to install than coatings, typically have a much longer service life, and most importantly flexible liners are not affected when the concrete cracks.
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On the outside of every tank liner we manufacture there will be a number written in several different places. No, this is not some marking of the Illuminati! The numbers are simply the order number of the tank liner itself.
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Grommets and a drawstring rope have always been the traditional method for fastening a tank liner to the tank. The drawstring rope is a fine method for small liners (under 3 ft. in any dimension) but the rope doesn’t securely fasten the drop in liner to the tank flange.
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On occasion a tank containing a tank liner may be taken off line and stored for a period of time. Just as a tank liner can be stored on its own, if properly folded, there is no issue with storing a drop in liner in the tank itself.
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Witt Lining Systems is known for bringing innovations to the tank liner industry such as new material formulations and pioneering skirts for hard chrome plating. One of other innovations is the Wittclip™ designed for fastening drop in liners to the rim of a tank.
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We make a point that we make industrial tank liners. We don’t make pond liners, lagoons, inflatables, etc. This is because the fabrication techniques for those products don’t lend themselves to making a well-fitting liner for tanks and containment areas.
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Besides being asked can a drop in liner be made to certain dimensions or have built in items like sumps or tank pads, a common question is “How big of a liner can you make?” The answer is “As big of a liner as you need!”
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