So what is the true cost of your tank liner? Sure there is the initial cost of the liner itself but what about the cost of your liner over its service life?
A longer lasting liner that costs more up front can actually provide a lower overall operating cost when you take into account service life, disposal costs, and down time. In fact, a research paper from Western Michigan University shows just that.
The paper, as part of the university’s Green Manufacturing Initiative Program, did an in depth study on a local hard chrome plating facility. Its focus was to review the current practices of the shop and provide suggestions on how to improve both the environmental sustainability of the facility and reduce operating costs.
The section on how to improve the current life of the company’s tank liners while reducing their costs begins on page 18. The company was using inexpensive 1/8 in. gauge liners with an 1/8 in. skirt. These liners cost about about a third of our 3/16 in. Koroseal liners with an LFP CrossFilm skirt. On the surface it certainly looked like these cheap liners were the best choice. However, due to service life and disposal costs the cost per year of the cheap liners was around $320 while the comparable annual cost of a Witt Lining Systems’ liner was around $250. Other tanks showed a similar ratio. This does not even take into account the man hours required to shut a tank down and replace a liner. With this factor added in the cheaper liners become even more expensive!
The conclusion of the paper is that a liner from Witt Lining Systems will provide significant savings in operating costs, waste disposal costs, and labor costs over a cheap liner from somewhere else. The report also covers energy costs, work area safety, solution purification, filtration, heating, amongst other items. The full report is available at in our literature section here.
Tags: cost, Koroseal, tank liners