In an earlier post I listed some of the benefits that a flexible PVC liner can offer over an applied coating in providing corrosion resistance to a concrete containment area. I want to expand on one of those benefits; the uniform thickness of a PVC liner.
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Flexible PVC liners are a great solution for lining secondary containment areas. Applied coatings or paint may have its place in some applications but a flexible PVC liner can offer many advantages over coatings and you should consider these benefits when it comes to a corrosion resistant coating.
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When designing a tank liner, obviously our layout engineer needs to be using the same terminology or definitions that you use to describe the tank. In particular there can be some misleading terms used to describe the top rim or flange of the tank.
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To err is human and sometimes humans err when it comes to ordering their tank liners. No worries though. In many cases it isn’t too hard of a fix to adjust a PVC liner to the correct dimensions.
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Witt flexible PVC tank liners can be built to handle accoutrements like outlets, sumps, manways, etc. The questions often asked is, “should they be built into the liner or made separate and field installed?” The answer is both – depending upon a number of factors.
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One of the benefits of a Witt PVC liner is that in many cases the end-user can perform the installation themselves (see our video). For customers that don’t have the ability or the time to install themselves we offer a nationwide team of installers.
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We can fabricate our tank liners to handle outlets and pipe penetrations. Piping that is straight but comes in at an angle to the tank can be lined but piping that has a bend isn’t as straight forward.
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Making a PVC tank liner is a very specialized process. To make a great fitting liner requires trained personnel, specialized equipment, and a high commitment to standards.
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When fabricating a tank liner the more accurate dimensions we are given the better the fit of the liner. What we require are the exact inside dimensions of the tank. From that we will undersize or oversize the liner accordingly to make for a great fitting liner.
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Our PVC tank liners are used to provide corrosion resistance to a wide range of chemicals. Many of these chemicals are strong oxidizers or bleaching agents and can discolor a PVC liner.
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