Author: Andrew Hotchkies

Local Business Owner Todd Hagopian Named to NSBA Leadership Council

Claremore, Oklahoma – Todd Hagopian, President of Cash Flow Acquisitions (Holding Company for Witt Lining Systems), was recently named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership Council. NSBA is the nation’s oldest small-business advocacy organization, and operates on a staunchly nonpartisan basis. Hagopian, a recognized leader in the small-business community, joins the NSBA Leadership Council alongside other small-business advocates from across the country as they work to promote the interests of small business to policymakers in Washington, D.C.

“As a small-business owner, I see how laws and regulations impact not only my business, but the families of those employees who work for me,” stated Hagopian. “Joining NSBA’s Leadership Council will enable me to work with other small businesses in Oklahoma to amplify our voices so that we are loud enough that we can take our message to the people that need to hear it most: Congress.”

Hagopian has a MBA from Michigan State, where he double-majored in Marketing and Finance.  He has run companies for Fortune 500 conglomerates such as Illinois Tool Works and Berkshire Hathaway. He started his own company, Cash Flow Acquisitions, in order to build his own smaller conglomerate of companies and he hopes to employ dozens of Oklahomans in the coming years.

Hagopian joined the NSBA Leadership Council as part of his efforts to tackle the many critical issues facing small business, including tax reform, regulatory restraint, health care costs and how the Affordable Care Act will impact small business. The NSBA Leadership Council is focused on providing valuable networking between small-business advocates from across the country while ensuring small business a seat at the table as Congress and regulators take up key small-business proposals.

Hagopian has been selected to serve on both the Taxation Committee and the Economic Development Committee.

“I am proud to have Todd Hagopian as part of our Leadership Council,” stated NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken. “He came to us highly recommended and I look forward our coordinated efforts for years to come.”

Please click here,, to learn more about Witt Lining Systems, which was the first company purchased by Cash Flow Acquisitions.

Check out Witt Lining in the news!  Witt Lining Systems: One-Stop Solution for Corrosion Control (

For more on the NSBA Leadership Council, please visit

Witt Lining Systems manufactures premium drop-in PVC liners to help protect your employees, and your investments, from corrosion that can put both at risk.  We Can Line Anything!

Covid-19/Coronavirus Update

In light of the declared global pandemic we wanted to update all of our loyal customers on the effects of the Covid-19/Coronavirus with regards to Witt Lining Systems.

Currently there are 106 positive cases in the state of Oklahoma (3/25/20).  Of those cases only 25 have been hospitalized.  None of the cases have been in Rogers County where our facility is located.  We don’t anticipate any of our employees coming in contact with the virus in any fashion but have implemented the following steps.

  • All employees have been instructed to stay home and contact emergency services if showing symptoms.
  • Entry to our facility is limited to essential personnel only.
  • Disinfecting wipes have been placed in bathroom facilities and entrances.
  • Suspended all travel until further notice.

We don’t foresee any supply chain issues with producing our liners.  Our main PVC formulations are not only extruded in the United States but the raw materials for the compounds are also sourced in the United States.  Besides having a well maintained inventory of material in house further inventory should be available with no interruptions.  We have no anticipation of not being able to meet your needs for our products.  Furthermore, we meet the qualifications of “essential business” and would not be forced to close operations under state, county, or municipal orders.

We will monitor all information available and we continue to follow guidelines suggested by CDC and WHO as well as local officials.