Author: Andrew Hotchkies

3 trusted liners for chroming tanks

Objects are coated in a layer of chrome through a process known as hard chrome plating. Chrome plating helps minimize the wear and tear of industrial or engineering parts and can increase their life span.  

The hard chrome plating process is an electroplating process in which chromium is deposited from a chromic acid solution. Chroming tanks house these chemical reactions, which can be hazardous to humans and can lead to environmental concerns if not properly contained. 

Unfortunately, the harsh chemical reactions in hard chrome plating tanks can easily dissolve tank liners and render them ineffective. As a result, it can be crucial for you to find tank liners that can withstand the chrome plating process and protect the surrounding area from harmful leakages. 

3 types of trusted liners for chroming tanks

Because the chrome plating process is highly oxidizing, it can degrade certain liner materials over time. Therefore, chroming tank owners need to know which tank liners are safe to use for the hard plate chroming process. The following tank liners are trusted for use in chroming tanks: 

  • PTFE TeflonTeflon is a versatile plastic that is often used as a coating and can function up to 260 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also highly resistant to strong chemicals and does not react with oxygen exposure. LFP CrossFilm is a type of patented Teflon material that is manufactured to be much stronger than regular Teflon. Overall, however, Teflon liners can effectively protect tanks during the chrome plating process, lasting for a long period of time and requiring minimal maintenance costs.
  • Kynar (PVDF) — Tanks made from PVDF material can withstand temperatures of up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Its high chemical resistance and durability make it ideal for industrial processes like chrome plating.
  • Koroseal PVC liner — You can line your chrome plating steel tank with a Koroseal PVC liner, one of the most cost-effective liners on the market. This type of liner has a unique formulation that resists corrosives and can function at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. It is therefore often used for chrome plating tanks. For extra protection, you can use an LFP CrossFilm (made out of PTFE Teflon — see above) material as a skirt around your PVC liner. Skirt liners are especially used in chrome plating tanks because the chemical reactions can be especially corrosive at the upper and lower levels of the tank.

Witt Lining Systems can help you choose cost-effective liners for your chroming tanks

Depending on the size of your tanks and your budget, you may choose to use one type of liner for your chrome plating tanks over others. Our team of experts at Witt Lining Systems can help you determine which liners can best protect your tanks over a long period of time. Contact our team today to learn more about all the flexible drop-in liner options we offer.

Find the right liners for your water tanks

If you store water in large tanks, you may be legally required to line your tanks with durable and safe liners. A tank liner refers to a material that is placed between the stored water and its container. Liners can prevent chemical contamination and leakage from occurring over time. 

If you’re in the market for new water tank liners, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the vast number of available types, materials, features, and sizes. Depending on the purpose and placement of your business’s tanks, certain liners may protect both your tanks and your stored water better than others. While choosing a water tank liner for your tanks, it can be important to learn about the various types so that you can make an informed financial decision.

4 types of liners that may be the right fit for your water tanks

Liners can be made out of several heavy-duty materials and fabrics in order to better accommodate a tank’s unique shape and function. Your choice of a liner should be based on various factors, including its ability to serve as a watertight sealant. Before you purchase tank liners for your business, you should know about the following types of liners to help you decide which ones may be better for your business: 

  • Epoxy linings — Epoxy tank linings are made from epoxy material, which can be durable and work under high temperatures. It can also be developed to be chemical resistant, moisture tolerant, and solvent-free. As a result, epoxy linings can be ideal for water tanks. 
  • Polyurethane linings — Polyurethane tank linings are flexible and ideal for concrete structures. They also do not release harmful chemicals into the water in the tank or into the air, making them eligible for NSF 61 certification of contact with drinking water.
  • Vinyl ester tank liners — Vinyl ester liners are made from vinyl material and are highly resistant to chemical infiltration and contamination. As a result, they can help keep drinking water safe. 
  • Stainless steel liners — Stainless steel linings are made from polished or rough stainless steel. They provide a protective layer against corrosion caused by chlorine in stored water. 

Our team at Witt Lining Systems can help you find the right water storage liners for you

Tank liners can offer a long-term solution to leaking tanks or concrete areas. Our team of experts at Witt Lining Systems can help you choose the most effective tank liner for your tanks. Our liners are custom-fabricated to the exact size and shape of your tank and do not require long prep time. Contact our team today to learn more about all the flexible drop-in liner options we offer.

Tank liners are fast yet long-term solutions to sealing concrete or steel water tanks. They are often custom-made to the exact size and shape of a tank, effectively sealing the water and preventing direct tank-to-water contact. Doing so can prevent the development of mold, fungus and bacteria growth within the tank as well as protect the tank from early deterioration.

Why do you need quality water tank liners? 

Water tank liners can greatly impact the quality of your stored water and the longevity of your tank itself. You need a quality tank liner because: 

  • You need to protect your tank from long-term damage.

    If you are storing wastewater that is acidic in nature, you could be exposing your tank to damage like corrosion and flaking. Whether your tank is made of concrete, metal or durable plastic, the water you store could be causing those materials to deteriorate faster. Quality water tank liners can seal off wastewater from the tank so that you can get the most use out of the container.
  • You need to protect your water from contamination.

    If you are storing drinking water that comes into direct contact with the tank, you are risking water contamination. Chemicals from the tank, whether it’s made of concrete or metal, can interact with the water to render the water undrinkable. This is why federal regulations require a water tank liner when drinkable water is involved. Even when using a quality liner, the water in your tank needs to be tested and treated regularly in case of bacterial and chemical buildup.
  • You need to prevent water from leaking from your storage tank.

    Tank leaks can occur due to internal tank damage. They can also occur if your tank is old and has not been maintained in a long period of time. Unfortunately, leaks can slowly deplete your water storage and decrease your profit margins, especially if you only noticed the leak days after it began.

    Water tank liners can help prevent stored water from leaking in the first place. Quality water tank liners are durable, thick and flexible so that water is properly sealed from any potential cracks in the tank. On the other hand, poor tank liners can be thin, inflexible and easily penetrable, which can increase your chances of experiencing leakage over time. 

Our team at Witt Lining Systems can help you identify quality water storage liners

The quality of your water tank liners can save your business money and time. Our team at Witt Lining Systems is dedicated to customizing liners to the exact size of your tank. Our contractors can even install your cost-effective liner without drawn-out prep time. Get in touch with us today to discover a flexible drop-in liner solution that fits your needs.

Concrete tanks are often used to store drinking water or wastewater. While concrete may seem durable, concrete tanks can crack over time, especially if the liquids in the tank contain harmful chemicals. Certain chemicals can corrode the concrete and lead to costly cracks and leaks. As a result, using a durable concrete water tank liner can be crucial, as it can effectively seal liquids in the tanks, preventing both concrete damage and contamination. 

Knowing a couple of the key attributes of concrete tank lining systems can help you better understand why investing in one can save you money in the long run. 

2 things you need to know about concrete tank lining systems

Concrete tank lining systems can be made up of a variety of materials and installed in various ways. You should know the following about concrete tank lining systems before purchasing one: 

  • Concrete tank liners prevent concrete corrosion and damage.

    Even if your concrete tanks simply hold water, they can easily crack with age and temperature changes, leading to a frequent need for maintenance. In fact, concrete deterioration is commonly caused by water contaminants and water’s freezing-thawing cycle. Replacing or repairing concrete structures is not always financially practical or possible. Thankfully, concrete liners can separate the water in the tank from the concrete, reducing the likelihood of concrete deterioration over time.
  • Concrete tank liners should be professionally installed.

    Some concrete tank liners involve a complex process of curing the concrete walls before adhering the liners. Sometimes, in order for the liner to adhere completely to the tank wall, the outer layer of concrete needs to be removed by abrasive blasting. Then, the liner can be applied evenly. Other concrete tank liner systems do not require this step and can simply be dropped in.

Our team at Witt Lining Systems is ready to install your concrete tank liners

Concrete tanks can degrade over time; therefore, specialty liners are crucial for the longevity of your tanks. Our team at Witt Lining Systems can customize a liner to the exact size of your tank with minimal prep time. This is because a Witt containment liner isn’t bonded to the concrete, and the concrete does not need to be cured before installation. Reach out to us today and take the first step toward getting the flexible drop-in liner solutions you need.

If your company stores large amounts of water over a long period of time, you need to invest in durable tank liners. Water storage tank liners keep stored liquids from coming into contact with the container’s metal or concrete structure. They also protect your container from corrosion and oxidation, helping to maintain your tanks over time. 

If you’re unsure which tank liners may be ideal for your water storage tanks, it can be important to look out for a few elements. Tank liners for water storage share certain characteristics that can help protect your stored water from contamination. 

3 things to look for in the right water storage tank liners

Water storage tank liners can be made from different materials, depending on the temperature and chemicals of the liquids. However, if your tanks store drinking water for humans, they legally need to be coated with protective linings. Without a liner, water tanks are susceptible to leaks and contamination and can be shut down from use. 

To store water safely, your tank liners should have the following in common: 

  1. NSF 61 certification If a liner has an NSF 61 certification, it is approved for use in drinking water tanks. The certification signifies that the materials used in the liner have been thoroughly inspected for health hazards and screened against additives and plasticizers, such as the ones found in PVC liners. You should not choose a water storage tank liner that does not have an NSF 61 certification, as harmful chemicals are more likely to seep from the liner into the drinking water.  
  2. Durability — Your tank liner should be resistant to tears, punctures, corrosion, flaking and weather-related damage. It should also be waterproof so that it will properly hold the water in your tank and with a low risk of leakages. If your liner develops cracks over time, your water can quickly become contaminated and undrinkable. As a result, it can be cost-effective for you to invest in a durable storage tank liner from the get-go.
  3. Easy installation — A good tank liner should be easy to install or at least come with clear and detailed instructions. Some tank liner distributors will offer free professional installation so that you can rest assured that your liner is expertly applied and can last as long as possible. 

Witt Lining Systems can offer you water storage liners that meet your company’s needs  

Need a water storage tank liner as soon as possible? Our team at Witt Lining Systems can customize a liner to the exact size of your tank and even install it for you on your schedule. Contact our team today to learn more about all the flexible drop-in liner options we offer. 

Chrome tank liners are a type of liner for chrome-plated tanks. They’re one of a few different tank-lining options but are popular for a unique set of reasons. To learn more about why a chrome tank liner may be a benefit to you, keep reading the information below.

What are some reasons you should look for a chrome tank liner?

  • it will help prevent leaks and damage from corrosion — A key reason to use this type of liner in your tank is to prevent damage over time from corrosion. Whether you’re using your tank to contain water or chemicals, your tank can corrode from rust or aggressive chemical reactions. Liners are good for the longevity of your tank. A chrome tank liner will help protect your tank from the effects of corrosion while also keeping it contained in the event that your tank does become corroded. 
  • It’s a durable and flexible material — Another great reason to look for this type of liner for your tank is that it’s a flexible yet sturdy material. It can be wrapped to fit around any tank structure, but it is also a reliable and hardy medium.
  • It’s easier to clean — Many people find that chrome tank liners are easier to clean than alternative lining materials. Easy cleaning means a quicker return to use after maintenance, which should be a good reason for you to invest in a chrome tank liner.

Witt Lining can offer you flexible drop-in liner solutions that fit your needs

Witt Lining Systems has over 45 years of experience to refine the quality of our service so that we can provide the best lining systems for you. We know that our PVC lining solutions can solve your containment problems, like corrosion, no matter the container. We can service tanks, containment pits, floor areas and trenches. Our team works with some of the finest materials in the lining industry, including Spectra Blue, Exceline and Koroseal PVC. If you’re looking to protect your container from corrosive environments, rest assured that we’ve got the lining solutions to fit your needs.

Reach out to us today and take the first step toward getting the flexible drop-in liner solutions you need.

Chemical tanks are containers that hold chemical substances. They are made in a wide variety of shapes and forms to hold a variety of quantities. Chemical tank liners are necessary for most tanks. The purpose of the liners is to protect the tank from corroding, protect the chemical from contamination, contain the chemical, and prevent leaching into the ground or contaminating groundwater. 

To learn more detailed information about what qualities you should be looking for in a trustworthy chemical tank liner, keep reading below.

What are some of the most important qualities of a good chemical tank liner?

  • A protective coating for corrosion resistance — A coated, reinforced membrane is key for protecting your tank from corrosive chemicals, acids, oils and even methane. High-quality chemical tank liners often feature protective coatings to prevent extensive corrosion. Corrosion control is key in a good chemical tank liner, to protect both the tank and the chemical inside the tank, and to prevent costly repairs or replacements.
  • Leak-resistant seal — You’ll want a liner that provides a leak-resistant seal to properly contain your chemicals. Liners are often relied on to contain liquids if a tank corrodes or springs a leak. If your liner doesn’t have a leak-resistant seal and your tank develops a crack or hole, your chemicals will eventually leak out of both the liner and the tank. The liner is meant to act as a safeguard for your tank.

Witt Lining can offer you flexible drop-in liner solutions that fit your needs

Witt Lining Systems has over 45 years of experience to refine the quality of our service so that we can provide the best lining systems for you. We know that our PVC lining solutions can solve your containment problems, like corrosion, no matter the container. We can service tanks, containment pits, floor areas and trenches. Our team works with some of the finest materials in the lining industry, including Spectra Blue, Exceline and Koroseal PVC. If you’re looking to protect your container from corrosive environments, rest assured that we’ve got the lining solutions to fit your needs.

Reach out to us today and take the first step toward getting the flexible drop-in liner solutions you need.

Quality concrete tank liners

Concrete tank liners are a type of water tank liner. They’re made to be low maintenance and provide protection to your concrete tanks for around 50 years. These liners are most often found on farms, commercial properties and even at country homes. However, they can be found in nonagricultural areas, like hospitals. They can consist of different materials depending on the lining company, but some common liner materials include epoxy, steel, polyethylene, vinyl ester and polyurea.

Why might you need a high-quality liner for your concrete tank?

  • To preserve the integrity of your tank — One main reason for a liner in your concrete tank is to protect your tank. Installing a liner reduces exposure to environmental factors that may corrode, break, crack or affect the tank in any kind of way that might shorten its working life.
  • To safeguard against contamination — Another reason to line your concrete tank is so that you can keep your water safe and potable. A properly fastened liner can help protect your water from becoming contaminated in the event that something were to get through damaged concrete. Some examples include fungi, algae, and pests like bugs or rodents. 
  • To protect against water loss — One more reason you should consider a concrete tank liner is to prevent losing any of the water within the container. If your container were to spring a leak, you’d risk significant water loss without a durable liner to contain it.

Witt Lining can offer you flexible drop-in liner solutions that fit your needs

Witt Lining Systems has over 45 years of experience to refine the quality of our service so that we can provide the best lining systems for you. We know that our PVC lining solutions can solve your containment problems, like corrosion, no matter the container. We can service tanks, containment pits, floor areas and trenches. Our team works with some of the finest materials in the lining industry, including Spectra Blue, Exceline and Koroseal PVC. If you’re looking to protect your container from corrosive environments, rest assured that we’ve got the lining solutions to fit your needs.

Reach out to us today and take the first step toward getting the flexible drop-in liner solutions you need.

A secondary containment liner is a type of material that serves as a barrier between a fluid and the container in which the fluid is contained. It can be used to protect the integrity of a container, to prevent contamination of a site, or to keep fluid from becoming contaminated. They can serve a broad variety of purposes. Many industrial-type facilities rely on secondary containment liners. Any manufacturing plant, or plating shop, should consider secondary containment liners to prevent their caustic solutions from getting into the ground in the event of a spill. This is good for the environment and also helps you to potentially avoid hefty government fines in the event of a spill. 

In what types of containers can a container lining be useful?

  • New assembly lines. 
  • New manufacturing plants.
  • Tanks.
  • Basins.
  • Berms.
  • Detention ponds.
  • Cisterns.

Why should you want a containment liner?

  • To provide protection from corrosion — There are a number of different types of liquids that could corrode your containers over time if they’re artificial containers like tanks, vessels and cisterns.
  • To protect the integrity of a land site or groundwater from chemical contamination — Another reason to use a containment liner is to protect your land or groundwater from being contaminated. Chemicals and other liquids can seep into the ground if not properly contained by a durable liner, posing significant health risks to humans and causing environmental damage.
  • To preserve the integrity of a chemical or contain a liquid — Some industries rely on containment liners to preserve their chemicals so that they don’t become contaminated with other substances. 

Witt Lining can offer you flexible drop-in liner solutions that fit your needs

Witt Lining Systems has over 45 years of experience to refine the quality of our service so that we can provide the best lining systems for you. We know that our PVC lining solutions can solve your containment problems, like corrosion, no matter the container. We can service tanks, containment pits, floor areas and trenches. Our team works with some of the finest materials in the lining industry, including Spectra Blue, Exceline and Koroseal PVC. If you’re looking to protect your container from corrosive environments, rest assured that we’ve got the lining solutions to fit your needs.

Reach out to us today for more information about our containment liner solutions.

Water trough liners: Everything you need

Water trough liners are flexible materials designed to be placed on the inside of livestock water tanks or troughs. They serve a variety of purposes as a protective solution to protect the integrity of the trough and the water quality

Troughs without liners run the risk of corrosion, leakage and contamination. To learn more detailed information about why you should invest in a high-quality water trough liner for your livestock troughs, keep reading below.

Why do you need a high-quality water trough liner?

  • To help prevent contamination — Another good reason to get a high-quality liner in your water trough is to help manage bacteria and algae growth. Too much growth in your trough can contaminate the water source for your livestock. Aside from algae, there is also the potential for fungi to grow or for pests to enter your water trough and contaminate the water. A liner ensures that when you do replace the water supply, you can easily deal with any contamination that may occur.
  • To lower your expenses down the road — Making repairs or replacing a damaged water trough can be very costly. Water trough liners can prevent corrosion over time while also containing your water in the event that your trough develops a hole that causes a leak. If you’ve got a trough, one of the smartest things you can do to preserve it is to invest in a water trough liner.

Witt Lining can offer you flexible drop-in liner solutions that fit your needs

Witt Lining Systems has over 45 years of experience to refine the quality of our service so that we can provide the best lining systems for you. We know that our PVC lining solutions can solve your containment problems, like corrosion, no matter the container. We can service tanks, containment pits, floor areas and trenches. Our team works with some of the finest materials in the lining industry, including Spectra Blue, Exceline and Koroseal PVC. If you’re looking to protect your container from corrosive environments, rest assured that we’ve got the lining solutions to fit your needs.

Reach out to us today and take the first step toward getting the water trough liner solution you need.